Harael - Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

Angels of the Shem HaMephorash

Angel LIX


Angel of the first quinance, third decan of Capricorn

Harael72 is the third guardian of Michael’s Chorus of Archangels and is possibly the most productive. He bestows an aura of intelligence that is seemingly omnipotent and provides great ease in the diffusion of intellect, allowing excellent success for any academic. Those who work with Harael frequently note that success is better achieved by invoking him before, during, and after any project that you wish to involve him in.

Through the invocation of Harael it is possible to obtain assistance in the following ways:

✵ A disobedient child may be calmed with energy that instills sentiments of respect and gratitude to develop a positive attitude as an adult more easily.

✵ Intellectual prosperity and wisdom are gained through a balanced level of intelligence in all areas of one’s life. Creativity sees enhancement as well as practical knowledge, which can be applied to aid others in interpersonal relationships or produce wealth and prosperity in business.

✵ Improvement can be gained for fertility in women, and favor is bestowed for successful conception and pregnancy. With the aid of Harael, the chances of conceiving a healthy baby will be maximized.

✵ Influence over others involved in a business is achieved through the assistance of Harael. He works to influence competitors and allies alike. There are many ways to benefit from this ability.

✵ The media can be influenced in a variety of ways to either bring more or less attention to a situation. In the event it would be preferable to keep an event out of the news, or to draw attention to a particular project, Harael is able to shift focus.

✵ Assists in leveraging technology to achieve goals

✵ He fosters the characteristics of goodness and honesty while giving the courage to face life with optimism.

✵ Harael finds ways to help keep those under his influence grounded in reality, so they do not jeopardize their successes. He inspires one to work towards fitness and a desire for physical activity.

✵ He provides protection from those who seek to defraud unsuspecting victims.

Meditating on this name will establish a cord to pure divine energy and ensuring a constant glimmer of light to your life, especially when facing times of darkness.



