We Shall Form a Circle to Protect Our Children - The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

We Shall Form a Circle to Protect Our Children
The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

(With special contributions by Nick Dickinson)

Deity options for this spell include Great Goddess, Horned God, Demeter, Artemis, and Diana. Perform this ritual during the waxing or full moon.

This spell arose as a response to the vacuous “thoughts and prayers” offered by politicians and pundits in response to the plague of school shootings in the United States. It recognizes the need to spread compassion, education, and justice to end violence against children, and can be performed as a prayer at schools or other places where children congregate. You may wish to combine this spell with the Hex the NRA spell (page 201) for a double whammy against the purveyors of toxic gun culture.


Rose quartz

White candle

This spell may be performed individually or in a group—see notes at the end of the spell for group suggestions.

Perform the Centering Ritual. Stand before your altar. Hold the rose quartz in your clasped hands at the center of your chest. Close your eyes.

Recall in your mind the most beautiful sunrise you have ever seen. If you don’t have a specific memory, visualize the sun rising over the ocean, its rays spreading through brilliantly colored clouds. Feel the warmth of the sun’s rays on your skin, your face, your heart, and in the rose quartz in your hands. You may begin to feel the crystal warming along with your visualization. Say,

A sunrise.

Recall in your memory a time when you laughed to the point of tears. If you can’t recall a specific moment, visualize and hear the friend you laugh the most with as you both are overcome with unstoppable laughter. You should be smiling broadly and on the brink of laughter. Feel the laughter coursing through your body, into your hands, and into the rose quartz. When the laughter reaches a peak, say,


Call to mind people you love dearly. See their faces, smiling. See your love for them reflected in their eyes. Feel the love that exists between you and them centering in your heart and energizing the rose quartz in your hands. When the feeling reaches a peak, say,


Take a deep breath and blow into the rose quartz, charging it with the energies of a sunrise, laughter, and love. Say,

I charge you to carry sunlight, laughter, and love.

Place the rose quartz on the center of your altar.

Now hold out your hands at your sides, and feel people at either side taking your hands into theirs. Visualize a line of people to each side of you stretching in a circle so wide it wraps around the earth. Say,

Hand to hand, heart to heart, mind to mind. May wisdom and reason prevail. May the cycle of ignorance, hatred, and violence be broken.

Visualize the glowing love in your heart running down your arms, through your hands, and into the hands and hearts of the millions of others connected in your circle. See your compassionate circle making a protective fence surrounding all the world’s children. Say,

May all the world’s children be treated with reverence and respect. May our circle protect them from all dangers, violence, or injustice. May they experience health and harmony, and grow into healthy and harmonious beings.

Light the white candle. Again, extend your hands and reconnect with all those in your infinite circle of compassion. Say,

I offer this light to the world. May it burn away all ignorance, hatred, and violence. May it lead us all out of darkness and fear into the purifying light of joy.

Feel the healing light expanding into infinity as you breathe slowly and deeply. Know that the children inside the circle are safe, loved, and supported.

When you feel the time is right, say, So mote it be, and blow out the candle.

Ground yourself. Shake your body, jump, stomp your feet, and have a small bite to eat. Chocolate is a delicious choice.

When the opportunity arises, give the charged rose quartz to a child. Tell the child it is a very special stone of protection and love, and if they ever know someone who is feeling unsafe or hurt, they should gift it to that person, with the same message to pass it along to someone else in need.

Extra Credit

Donate money to a child protection or gun control organization. Volunteer at a local school, daycare, or recreation center.


The rose quartz portion of the spell creates a powerful protective talisman, and can be done on its own (ending when you place the rose quartz on your altar). You can give these to people to carry, incorporate them into protective mojo bags, place them inconspicuously on school grounds, or use them in other workings.

Without the ritual elements, this can be done as a group prayer, starting with “Hand to hand.”