Moving Spread

365 Tarot Spreads: Revealing the Magic in Each Day - Sasha Graham 2014

Moving Spread

On This Day

Most moves—42 percent—are made for personal reasons. Job-related moves make up about 40 percent, and 18 percent are represented by military or government relocations.

New York City was once the capital of the United States. On this day in 1790, Congress declared the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, as the permanent capital of the United States. It was promptly moved.

Summation of Spread

Are you considering a move? The Mo

The Queen of Pentacles represents a delicious, happy home. She is the master of the material world, living with passion and decorating her home with beauty and style. Every person who crosses her threshold is impressed by her manner of living. Call upon her energies when creating a comfortable and cozy home.

ving Spread’s questions are crafted to help decide whether or not to take a leap and move to a new location, be it across town or in a completely new place.

Cast Your Cards

1. Is changing my location a good idea?

2. Why is moving a good idea?

3. Should I make this move?

4. Can I afford to move?

5. Will I be happy there?

6. Will this be the fresh start I’m looking for?

7. How can I make the move without stress?

8. What problems will I leave behind?

9. What new adventure will I embark upon?

10. What do I need to know that I don’t see yet?